Thursday, November 17, 2011

6 Bright Ideas for Bioluminescence Tech

Living light from fireflies, bacteria, and other luminescent creatures could change the way we illuminate our cities, fight cancer, and find toxins in our water. By Adam Hadhazy

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Many of us know of bioluminescence from the yellow-green glow of fireflies' abdomens in backyard woods. Some other organisms on land, including mushrooms and glow worms, can light up the night, too. And in the oceans, bioluminescence flourishes: shrimp, squid, sharks, bacteria, and the vast majority of fish in the deep sea's inky black exhibit this talent.

Today, scientists and engineers are trying to harness the radiance of living things. Fortunately, the chemistries that produce bioluminescence tend to be relatively simple. A light-emitting protein, dubbed luciferin, typically reacts with oxygen in the presence of an enzyme called luciferase, along with other agents. In contrast to fire and electrically generated light, bioluminesce is "cold light"?the reactions that create this light waste very little energy as heat. This aspect makes the phenomenon useful in sensitive environments, such as the tissues of living beings. It's one reason researchers are now tapping the light of life for medical studies, military weapons systems, and more

Here's a breakdown of six of the most promising areas of interest.

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