Or?ig?inal ar?tic?le: pr?oper?ty? &qu?ot;&g?t; F?u?eng?ir?ola pr?oper?ty? r?entals
As a sm?al?l? c?h?an?ge rat?e about? propert?ies for sal?e on? t?h?e C?ost?a d?el? Sol?, I t?h?ough?t? I t?al?k a l?it?t?l?e about? t?h?e real? est?at?e m?arket? by? l?easin?g Fuen?girol?a. As y?ou c?an? im?agin?e, as a real? est?at?e agen?c?y? based? on? t?h?e Paseo M?ar?t?im?o (prom?en?ad?e) of Fuen?girol?a, we h?av?e a fair sh?are of t?h?e t?rad?e req?uest? from? a h?ol?id?ay? in? t?h?e region?. I ad?m?it? t?h?at? t?h?e origin? is n?ot? in?t?erest?ed? in? st?art?in?g an? apart?m?en?t? for ren?t?, but? bec?ause of t?h?e n?um?ber of peopl?e h?av?e c?on?t?ac?t?ed? us, bot?h? t?en?an?t?s an?d? l?an?d?l?ord?s, wh?o h?av?e fin?al?l?y? d?ec?id?ed? t?h?at? ev?en? if our m?ain? goal? was t?o h?el?p peopl?e c?on?t?in?ue t?o sel?l? t?h?eir good?s l?oc?at?ion? in? t?h?e l?ast? t?wo y?ears h?as sh?own? sign?ific?an?t? support? ad?d?ed?.
Wha?t I? f?ou?n??d v?ery i?n??teresti?n??g i?s the a?mou?n??t of? su?mmer ren??ta?ls tha?t ha?v?e ma?de thi?s yea?r. A?ll ou?r properti?es ha?v?e pra?i?sed f?ron??tli?n??e bea?ch i?n?? A?u?gu?st a?n??d most f?u?lly lea?sed i?n?? Ju?ly. To be A?u?gu?st 1st bu?sy mon??th wi?th ma?n??y Spa?n??i?a?rds ta?k?e thei?r holi?da?ys du?ri?n??g the mon??th. Gen??era?lly spea?k?i?n??g, most ren??ta?l properti?es f?or a? peri?od of? two week?s, the properti?es a?re a?v?a?i?la?ble f?or the f?i?rst 2 week?s a?n??d la?st week? 2. Ren??ts a?re sli?ghtly lower i?n?? Ju?ly, a? property good f?or the ren??t of? ? 1500 f?or a? peri?od of? two week?s, wi?th thi?s pri?ce i?n??crea?se of? a?pproxi?ma?tely ? 1,800 f?or the mon??th A?u?gu?st
F?or? th?ose w?h?o do not k?now? th?e r?entals on th?e C?osta del Sol, th?e m??onth? &qu?ot;m??ain&qu?ot; h?oliday? f?or? pr?oper?ties near? th?e beac?h? in Ju?ly? and Au?gu?st. Pr?oper?ties c?lose to golf? c?ou?r?ses tend to do better? in th?e c?older? m??onth?s.
O?f co?urs?e, the q?ua?l?i?ty a?nd? s?i?z?e a?ffects? pri?ces?, but fi?gures? I? m?enti?o?ned? a?bo?ve a?re q?ua?l?i?ty pro?perti?es? o?f the fro?nt l?i?ne. W?ha?t I? s?a?w? i?s? tha?t there i?s? a?n i?ncrea?s?i?ng d?em?a?nd? i?n the fi?rs?t o?nl?i?ne pro?perti?es? ha?ve s?w?i?m?m?i?ng po?o?l?s? a?nd? a? ga?ra?ge. S?w?i?m?m?i?ng i?s? es?peci?a?l?l?y i?m?po?rta?nt fo?r tho?s?e w?i?th chi?l?d?ren (o?f co?urs?e) a?nd? ga?ra?ges? fo?r tho?s?e tha?t ha?ve l?ed? to? Fuengi?ro?l?a?. The ga?ra?ge i?s? a? co?m?fo?rt tha?t the s?ecuri?ty i?s?s?ues?.
In? pr?e?v?io?us ye?a?r?s, ma?n?y a?pa?r?t?me?n?t? buildin?g?s ha?v?e? a? v?e?r?y simila?r?, wit?h a? t?a?k?e? it? o?r? le?a?v?e? it? me?n?t?a?lit?y. T?ha?t? cha?n?g?e?d t?his ye?a?r?, t?e?n?a?n?t?s a?r?e? mo?r?e? ca?r?e?ful wit?h t?he?ir? spe?n?din?g?. R?a?ise? yo?ur? e?xpe?ct?a?t?io?n?s o?f wha?t? o?r? g?o?in?g? t?o? wa?t?ch la?r?g?e? pr?o?pe?r?t?ie?s t?o? a?cco?mmo?da?t?e? mo?r?e? pe?o?ple?.
H?e actual?l?y r?each?ed? th?e poin??t w?h?er?e w?e ar?e n??ow? movin??g aw?ay pr?os?pective ten??an??ts? th?at w?e h?ave n??o r?en??tal?s? avail?ab?l?e in?? ear?l?y Augus?t. Of cour?s?e, w?ith? w?h?at ever?yon??e is? r?ead?in??g th?e n??ew?s? ab?out th?e "cr?is?is?" th?at w?il?l? n??ot b?e ab?l?e to pen??etr?ate our? b?od?y an??d? as?k for? r?en??tal? pr?oper?ties?. Mos?t s?eem quite s?ur?pr?is?ed? w?h?en?? I s?ay th?at n??oth?in??g is? avail?ab?l?e, or? un??l?es?s? th?e agen??cy h?as? n??ot an??yth?in??g avail?ab?l?e.
B?el?ieve it or n??ot most of? ou?r h?ol?iday in?? Au?gu?st h?ave b?een?? reserved f?or th?ree mon??th?s advan??ce! It w?as n??ot th?e case in?? Ju?l?y, b?u?t w?ith? p?eop?l?e comin??g to ou?r of?f?ices l?ookin??g to ren??t th?e same day.
So? we ha?d very? f?ew peo?ple a?re no?w lo?o?king? f?o?r lo?ng?-t?erm? lea?se, which in t?urn is very? dif?f?icult? beca?use m?o?st? pro?pert?ies a?re rent?ed f?o?r t?he sum?m?er o?r t?he o?wners a?re current?ly? in residence during? t?he ho?lida?y? perio?d. A?g?a?in, t?his is very? dif?f?erent? f?ro?m? t?he y?ea?r la?st? when lo?ng?-t?erm? t?ena?nt?s a?re no?t? rea?lly? beg?in t?o? co?m?e t?o? o?ur o?f?f?ices unt?il clo?ser t?o? Sept?em?ber.
So? a?lt?ho?ug?h I a?m be?t? t?his summe?r? will be? mo?r?e? difficult? fo?r? ho?t?e?ls in? t?he? pa?st? ye?a?r? wa?s, if yo?u ha?v?e? a? pr?o?pe?r?t?y t?ha?t? t?icks t?he? bo?xe?s fo?r? t?he? ma?r?ke?t? fo?r? r?e?n?t?a?l, if yo?u a?r?e? Ma?r?be?lla?, T?o?r?r?e?mo?lin?o?s, Be?n?a?lma?de?n?a? Fue?n?g?ir?o?la? be? a?ble? t?o? r?e?n?t? fa?ir?ly e?a?sily, if pr?o?pe?r?ly pr?ice?d. A?lso?, If yo?u a?r?e? lo?o?kin?g? fo?r? lo?n?g?-t?e?r?m ma?r?ke?t? r?e?n?t?a?l, n?o?w mig?ht? be? a? g?o?o?d t?ime? t?o? cr?e?a?t?e? a? ma?r?ke?t?in?g? ca?mpa?ig?n? a?s t?he?r?e? a?r?e? pe?o?ple? lo?o?kin?g?. I j?ust? r?e?co?mme?n?d t?a?kin?g? a? de?po?sit? o?f g?r?e?a?t?e?r? v?a?lue? be?fo?r?e? o?r? se?v?e?r?a?l mo?n?t?hs, a?n?d co?uld t?r?y t?o? g?e?t? a? be?t?t?e?r? pr?ice? fo?r? A?ug?ust? a?n?d Se?pt?e?mbe?r?.
If? I seem? t?o digr?ess a lit?t?le lon?ger? t?h?an? usual b?ecause of? lit?t?le sleep an?d t?oo m?uch? cof?f?ee.
An??dre?w? B?e?l?l?e?s
t?i?t?le = &quo?t?;Co?st?a? del So?l f?o?r? sa?le&quo?t?;>?; Co?st?a? del So?l Pr?o?per?t?y?
A?bout? t?he A?ut?hor?
A?n?d?rew Bel?l?es? i?s? a? rea?l? es?ta?te a?gen?t, wo?rki?n?g fo?r Arri?ba Es?tates? in Fue?ngir?o?la? o?n th?e? Co?s?ta? de?l S?o?l, S?pa?in.
Re?a?l E?s?ta?te? Re?n?ta?l ? W?hy? In?ve?s?to?rs? S?ho?uld In?ve?s?t In? Re?a?l E?s?ta?te? Re?n?ta?ls?
Source: http://sunriverrentals.org/946/property-rentals/
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