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Sunday, July 31, 2011
Of Course a Cop Can Fail a Breathalyzer Test and Get Off Scot-Free [Law]
'Cowboys & Aliens': UFO Sightings in the Wild West (
The new film "Cowboys and Aliens," starring Harrison "Indiana Jones" Ford and Daniel "James Bond" Craig, opens today and is likely to snatch the top spot at the box office this weekend. The anachronistic sci-fi thriller tells the story of extraterrestrials who attack a small New Mexico town in search of ? well, I won't give away any spoilers.
Cowboys and aliens? Why not? Many people believe that alien contact is nothing new, and that Earth has been visited for millennia. Some, such as best-selling Swiss author Erich von D?niken, have suggested (based on flawed evidence and logic) that aliens built the pyramids in Egypt. Others believe that the giant drawings in the Nazca desert of Peru, in South America, were created by (or for) extraterrestrials in space ships. In fact, there's good evidence that the Nazca Lines were created by the Nazca Indians, probably as part of ceremonial rituals.
But what about sightings and reports of aliens in the Old West? Surprisingly, there actually are a few reports of extraterrestrial encounters in the 1800s. In those days folks didn't use terms like "UFO" or "flying saucer" (that phrase didn't appear until 1947), but instead referred to spacecraft as "airships." [10 Alien Encounters Debunked]
By far the most detailed (and most dramatic) encounter between cowboys and aliens occurred in 1897 Texas. This account ran in the April 19 Dallas Morning News: "About 6 o'clock this morning the early risers of Aurora [Texas] were astonished at the sudden appearance of the airship which has been sailing throughout the country. It was traveling due north and sailed over the public square and when it reached the northern part of town it collided with the tower of Judge Proctor's windmill and went to pieces with a terrific explosion, scattering debris over several acres of ground." [UFO Found on the Ocean Floor?]
This is remarkable enough, but the account takes on an even more modern twist: "The pilot of the ship is supposed to have been the only one aboard, and while his remains were disfigured, enough of the original has been picked up to show that he was not an inhabitant of this world. Mr. T.J. Weems [of] the U.S. Army... gives his opinion that the pilot was a native of the planet Mars. Papers found on his person ? evidently the records of his travels ? are written in some unknown hieroglyphics, and cannot be deciphered... The ship was built of an unknown metal, resembling somewhat a mixture of aluminum and silver, and must have weighed several tons. The town today is full of people who are viewing the wreckage and gathering specimens of strange metal from the debris."
This amazing UFO encounter, complete with a crashed spacecraft, dozens of witnesses, a recovered dead Martian, and metallic wreckage came not from a novelist but instead a credible witness and respected reporter for the newspaper, a Mr. E.E. Haydon. Fifty years later, a nearly identical story would circulate about another, very similar UFO crash in a neighboring state: Roswell, N.M.
The late UFO investigator Phil Klass researched this encounter between cowboys and aliens for his book ?UFOs Explained." The accounts by witnesses fell apart under close scrutiny. No follow-up newspaper stories appeared about this amazing incident; no witnesses could be found to support Haydon's story, and nothing of the alien nor his "several tons" of mysterious metallic spacecraft wreckage was ever found. Plus, it was later revealed that Judge Proctor didn't even have a windmill for the alien to crash into! It turned out that Haydon had made the whole thing up as a publicity stunt to get people to come to the dying Texas town. Once a lively and bustling frontier town frequented by prospectors on their way to the Gold Rush, Aurora had fallen on hard times and needed a tourism boost.
It was a cracking good yarn while it lasted. Stories of cowboys and aliens have entertained us for well over a century, though hard evidence of extraterrestrials remains as elusive as ever.
This story was provided by Life's Little Mysteries, a sister site to Follow Life's Little Mysteries on Twitter @llmysteries, then join us on Facebook.
Benjamin Radford is deputy editor of Skeptical Inquirer science magazine and author of Scientific Paranormal Investigation: How to Solve Unexplained Mysteries. His Web site is
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Saturday, July 30, 2011
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Isn't Social Media Just Real Time Communications? | Don Schindler
I dislike the term ?social media?.? I think a lot of very smart professionals don?t think much of Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Google+ and a whole host of other social media platforms (i.e. Youtube, foursquare, etc?).
So if you think of social media as real time communications then how does that change how you think of it.? Other real time communications being a phone, face-to-face, chat?
It seems a bit more crucial to the day-to-day operation of your communications.? Which I think it is.
Much like you wouldn?t ignore someone knocking at the door of your office or calling your phone.? You don?t just ignore those people, do you?? Well, maybe some people.? Got to love caller ID.
What are the PROS of real time communications.
- communicate in real time.
- get indexed for search.
- help you understand what are your best stories to communicate.
- real time communications is great customer service.
What are the CONS of real time communications.
- communicating in real time means that ?real time? not two or three days
- if you say something wrong, it gets indexed as well.
- maybe your best stories aren?t what they think are the best stories
- real time communications can be negative if someone is upset (this is customer service)
What are some things that you should have in place before you start your real time communications.
- A good informational website to help you answer their questions.
- An email marketing program or customer database program to capture their information.? Connect with the alumni for their program or use your own.? I recommend mailchimp but there are lots of others.
- A brochure, one sheeter or flyer ? this will help you respond to people (you need to know your best stories by heart)
But the big thing here is you need to BE PREPARED as best you can.? Think of things that people might ask you and make a list of their questions with the answers.? FAQs are great for this and always be adding to it.
The other thing you really need to know is YOUR AUDIENCE.? Are they actively using Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin?
Once you have your audience in your sights, make sure you plan for all of this real time communications.
We use Strategic Communication Plans, Communication Spreadsheets and Creative Briefs.? All of which are great and help you really think through what you are about to do.? And help you keep track of your time.
Don?t forget to track your time.? It?s important when it comes to getting an accurate ROI of your communication endeavors.? Here?s a great ROI calculator site to calculate what it costs.
As we talk about the 750 million pound gorilla of Facebook, one should know what?s the difference between using a Facebook Page or a Facebook Group to promote your dept or service.
Pages are for one to many communications much like a profile.? But they are used by brands and don?t have a limit on friends or fans (?likes?).
Groups are a free-for-all type of engagement and the page does not interact with anyone.? People attached to the group do.
You should never use a profile for your dept or service.? It violates the Terms of Service and it can easily disappear on you.? Don?t use fake profiles either.? They could get deleted at any time.
Administrators of pages/groups need to be friends of the other administrators and invited to be administrators.
Facebook provides analytics behind the pages through Insights.
The big thing about Facebook is that while ?likes? are great, they do not equal success.? They do mean you have more reach so you have the opportunity to reach more people than say a couple hundred people.? But if those people that you reach are your most important audience then it is a success compared to a page with a 1 million plus but none are the audience you want.
Adding apps or just pages with iframes helps to engage the audience.? We?ve done a few apps for people ? check out the alumni?s Facebook page and you can see 2011 Challenge we?ve added to their page.
The big thing about Facebook is how much time are you spending doing it.? You need to track your time.? In fact, that?s the best thing you could be doing is tracking your time on all your marketing endeavors because then you can calculate a better ROI.
Next is Linkedin.? This professional networking site is all business ? maybe a little social through the Questions and Answers section but mostly it?s all about business.
For your personal profile, you need to keep it up to date.? This will help you in the long run for your career.? Accomplishments you can?t recall, projects you worked on.? It can all be there.? Including recommendations.
A lot of people set up groups on linkedin.? A successful group is one that engages people and is led by an active moderator.? Check out the Marketing Over Coffee Linkedin Group for a great example as well as our own Notre Dame Campus Communicators.
As far as Twitter is concerned, I believe this is something you really have to test to find out if it is worth the time.? To me, it is when I want to engage my peers but my audience (campus communicators) isn?t an active group on Twitter so I don?t spend a lot of time there pushing content or conversation.? But I used to.
If you know your audience, then you?ll discover if they are on twitter.? If they are, then follow and engage them in conversation.? It?s worth the time but if you are just blasting 140 characters at the general population of twitter, I doubt if there will be much return on your investment.
Finally, Google+.? I have great hopes for Plus.? I?m already addicted too many of their tools.? Gmail is my email of choice, I love my RSS reader, their calendar is easy to embed into websites and well, the agency is starting to use Docs more and more for collaboration.
The good thing that Google did with plus is learn from their mistakes and the mistakes of others when it came to friends.
Organizing your friends and followers first instead of later is a great thing.? It makes conversations much more relevant when you know who you are talking to instead of just shouting at the masses.
They understand search and indexing conversations so much more than Facebook.? Search and being found are still among the best things to do when marketing on internet.
I also love that they understood that keeping a conversation together makes for such a better experience.? It?s hard to follow a conversation in twitter if you aren?t following the others involved but with Google+ it?s all there.
Check out this quote from Jeremiah Owyang. ?Google understands threads and keeping conversations together.? I do think that Google+ is more suited for rapid communication over Twitter as it threads the whole discussion in one place, and also allows for longer responses.?
BTW, I got that off of Google+.
Google is integrating my life into one area.? The top left bar is all me.? My gmail, calendar, reader, +, docs, etc?
They get me.? They know I don?t want to run around and search for things that should be organized and easily found (killer search as always).
The job of the modern communicator is to explore these tools.? To see if their audience is using them and to have a conversation in real time with them.? It?s not just the marketing campaign or an email occasionally out to the group.? It?s integrating this all together.
Do you think your communications might need to move with the speed of real time?? How would you do it?
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Friday, July 29, 2011
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Debt-ceiling showdown: Time for Obama to invoke the 14th amendment? (The Week)
New York ? House Democrats say if Republicans won't agree to a long-term solution to the debt crisis, the president should impose one on his own
A group of House Democrats is urging President Obama to raise the debt ceiling by executive order to keep Republicans from "destroying government." Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.), the third-ranking House Democrat, says if the best Congress can offer by the Aug. 2 deadline is a short-term fix, Obama should invoke the 14th Amendment, which says the validity of U.S. government debts "shall not be questioned." That, Clyburn says, "will bring calm to the American people and will bring needed stability to our financial markets." Is the 14th Amendment the answer?
Yes, if that is what it takes: It's about time somebody stood up to the GOP's "Tea Party extortionist wing," which is holding the nation, and the economy, hostage, says Taylor Marsh at her blog. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has "caved" to "Obamanomic Republicanism," so it's encouraging to see there are still leaders protecting "the principles of what it means to be a Democrat." Obama, with his "austerity fetish," won't invoke the 14th Amendment, but one can dream.
"Pelosi falls to austerity craze, Clyburn-Becerra cite 14th Amendment"
Obama would be impeached if he pulled this stunt: It's surely tempting for Congress to let President Obama wave a "magic wand" and make the debt ceiling issue disappear, says The Washington Times in an editorial. "Fortunately, this supposed presidential power doesn't exist." The 14th Amendment empowers Congress, not the president, to handle the debt, so Obama would be committing an "impeachable offense" if he ignored the Constitution and made up the law on his own.
"The debt ceiling and dictatorship"
Just mentioning the 14th Amendment might help: The White House has been downplaying the 14th Amendment as an option, says Jon Walker at Firedoglake. But it's hard to believe that Clyburn would come out so strongly in favor of it without Obama's tacit approval. This might just be an attempt to reassure the markets, but it could also "be a move to try to convince conservative House Republicans that they risk getting no cuts at all if they don't agree to a deal soon."
"Push for 14th Amendment solution grows stronger"
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Thursday, July 28, 2011
Introduction to theoretical perspectives of sociology
Sociologists have covered a wealth of material accumulated in their studies. Some, like Karl Marx, he studied all the major questions in the society. He suspects that is the root of human misery in the unequal distribution of wealth in society. Others, such as Emile Durkheim focused on issues succinctly. He focused much of his effort to find out why certain sects of people commit suicide more frequently than others. Still others, such as Max Weber has studied the modelsTo determine culture throughout history, as a social group can affect their lives. Although many sociologists studying different subjects, all recorded data to produce theories. These theories suggest that some parts of the world fit together and how they work. Symbolic interactionism, conflict theory and functional analysis: If you break down the theories, you can sort them into three different categories. All three can be used to show the same number of observationsPoint.
First, symbolic interactionism. This theory initially said that a currency is based on the behavior of others. Over the years, then, symbolic interactionism also shown that people use symbols to encapsulate their experiences. Symbolic interaction is generally carried out in micro-sociological. This is ? look at the small models of social interaction. For example. If you think a family member like an aunt or an uncle, to behave in a certain way. If 'Person is a best friend, run in a different way. Without symbolic interaction, so we would not have to define the relationship, and we would be reduced to a level of animal interaction. In short, symbolic interaction analysis of how our behavior depend upon how we define ourselves and others.
Functional analysis essentially says that the company is a whole made up of independent parts together. A sociologist who has been mentioned earlier in the document, EmileDurkheim was one of the most important social scientists associated with this view. His work was noted that even if the whole company works together with seven individuals, the probability and do certain things than others. Most remarkable of all his studies is likely that his work on the exploration of social factors that can contribute a person's risk of committing suicide. He noted that no matter how strong or weak social ties they have a strong influence on the rate of suicide in a social group. Foras women and Protestants rather commit suicide because their joints are weaker and their social groups. He also noted that if the bonds are too strong, the risk of suicide and increasing. A man who loses his wife may be more likely to commit suicide because he sees death as a better solution than to live without his wife. In this case, her feelings were deeply integrated.
Finally, there is conflict theory. This theory is the result of the studies of Karl Marx on the socialEquality. He concluded that the key to human history class struggle. This meant that a small group of people who control the means for a much larger group of workers is exploited to their advantage. This of course was recorded when the rights of workers, labor, and capitalism in its infancy. For the most part the workers were at the mercy of their employers. Marx said that if all the wealth was equally divided, the people could live together in harmony.
These three theoriesnot only explains the human interaction as they developed many years ago, but can also be applied to today's modern situations. Take Emile Durkheim. His studies of human interaction has said that the group of people you are surrounded by the same work as he intended. If Durkheim still live, and he shall undertake a study of the bands would probably start, which kind of external factors on the desire of an individual to a candidate. External forces, such as parentalNegligence, lack of friendship, and the lack of social activities can all be connected as a legitimate reason for one to a gang. Upon entering Durkheim would follow the members of different bands and see how dramatically the values ??of a person would be changed to fit the lifestyle of the band. In short, he would show that weak ties with the desire, family ties are strong with another fuel source ? if this source is a positive or a negative influence.
The three levels of sub theoreticalPerspectives help us to better understand how sociologists go about their craft and theories as they experiment, they sought to demonstrate. While there is no single way to go to sociological theories, which can produce each offer one of the following categories listed in this paper a legitimate explanation for any sociological problem.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Amy Winehouse family 'bereft' as police probe death (AFP)
LONDON (AFP) ? The family of troubled British singer Amy Winehouse said Sunday they have been left "bereft" by her loss at the age of 27 as grieving fans left tributes outside the London home where she was found dead.
Police said the death of the Grammy award-winning soul diva -- who immortalised her struggles with drink and drugs in the hit "Rehab" -- was still unexplained and that an autopsy would not be scheduled until Monday.
Fans laid flowers, candles and more unorthodox tributes including cigarettes and beer cans outside Winehouse's flat in trendy Camden, north London. Several kept an overnight vigil.
In their first statement since one of Winehouse's bodyguards discovered the singer's body on Saturday, her family paid tribute to her and asked for privacy.
"Our family has been left bereft by the loss of Amy, a wonderful daughter, sister, niece," the statement said.
"She leaves a gaping hole in our lives. We are coming together to remember her and we would appreciate some privacy and space at this terrible time."
Winehouse was particularly close to her father Mitch, a London taxi driver and music aficionado, who inspired her love of music by singing to her when she was a child.
He flew back to London from New York on Saturday night after her death.
A spokesman for the family said the funeral would not be arranged until a post-mortem examination had been carried out.
Her death makes her the latest tragic member of a "club" of rock stars who have died at the age of 27, including Rolling Stone Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Doors singer Jim Morrison and Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain.
Producer Mark Ronson, who worked closely with Winehouse, said: "She was my musical soulmate and like a sister to me. This is one of the saddest days of my life."
Police refused to confirm reports in British tabloids that Winehouse had taken a cocktail of illegal drugs on the night before she was found dead.
"A date and time for the post-mortem will not be scheduled before Monday morning," London's Metropolitan Police said in a statement on Sunday. It said enquiries were still continuing and no arrests had been made.
With her distinctive beehive hairdo, lashings of eye make-up and garish tattoos, Winehouse rocketed to fame with her 2003 debut album "Frank".
The 2006 follow-up, "Back to Black", was a worldwide smash hit, reaching number one in Britain and number two in the US charts and winning five Grammy awards.
But her battle with drink and drugs increasingly overshadowed her talent.
The album spawned the hit "Rehab", which contains the lines: "They tried to make me go to rehab, I said no, no, no.... Just try and make me go to rehab, I won't go, go go."
Adding to her troubles was her turbulent relationship with Blake Fielder-Civil. The couple married in Miami in May 2007 he spent part of their marriage behind bars for an attack on a pub landlord. They divorced in July 2009.
In the end Winehouse did go to rehab, several times.
The most recent was this year when she attended an addiction clinic, at her father's suggestion, just weeks before she embarked on what was meant to be a 12-day European comeback tour.
But she pulled out following a disastrous opening performance in Serbia on June 18 when she was booed while on stage, apparently too drunk to sing. She stumbled her way through the 90-minute gig, mumbling and failing to follow her band.
Winehouse made her final public appearance at The Roundhouse venue in Camden on Wednesday, joining her goddaughter Dionne Bromfield on stage. She briefly danced and encouraged the audience to buy the 15-year-old's album.
Outside her flat in Camden Square fans left flowers, notes, guitars, teddy bears and photographs, as well as cigarettes and alcoholic drinks. "Amy, we will miss your great talent. RIP," read one note left in a bunch of flowers.
Shamini, a 25-year-old accountant and a Winehouse fan, told AFP: "It's such a young age, and, it's unbelievable, it's unbelievable. It's almost like when Michael Jackson died."
Her record label Universal said in a statement: "We are deeply saddened at the sudden loss of such a gifted musician, artist and performer. Our prayers go out to Amy's family, friends and fans at this difficult time."
US singer Carole King said she hoped Winehouse had "found peace now wherever she is."
Pop star Rihanna wrote on Twitter: "Dear God have mercy!!! I am SICK about this right now!"
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Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Vt. nuclear plant to refuel despite uncertainty (AP)
MONTPELIER, Vt. ? The owner of Vermont's only nuclear power plant plans to move forward with a $60 million refueling this fall despite uncertainty about whether the plant will be operating beyond March, when its current operating license expires.
New Orleans-based Entergy Corp. said company attorneys felt the firm would eventually win in its lawsuit against the state over the future of the Vermont Yankee plant.
Earlier this year, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued Vermont Yankee a 20-year license extension that would allow the plant to remain open until 2032. But the state, which claims it has jurisdiction over the future of the aging plant, wants it to close and has not acted on a state certification that is needed for Vermont Yankee to remain open. The plant has had a series of technical problems in recent years.
Last week, U.S. District Court Judge J. Garvan Murtha refused to issue an order that would keep the plant open while the underlying legal issues are decided. The case is scheduled to go to trial in September.
"Our board believes both the merits of the company's legal position and the record strongly support its decision to continue to trial scheduled to begin on Sept. 12," said Entergy CEO J. Wayne Leonard. "On that basis, the decision was made to move forward with the refueling as planned."
Vermont Law School professor Cheryl Hannah said a careful reading of Murtha's decision denying Entergy's request for a preliminary injunction showed the court was skeptical of the state's case. Entergy's lawyers undoubtedly reached the same conclusion, she said.
"Entergy had to make a business decision about whether to go forward with the refueling," Hannah said. "I think it's unlikely the plant will be shut down any time soon. Entergy owes its fiduciary duty to its shareholders and looking at where things stand at this time it was a reasonable business decision to make."
Saturday had been the deadline for ordering the fuel rods that will be used in the refueling, which is scheduled for October. The company had said it might close the plant if it were not given assurances it could operate while the legal case is decided. Last week Murtha refused to give that assurance.
Vermont Attorney General William Sorrell said Monday he wasn't surprised by Entergy's decision to spend $60 million on the refueling.
"This is a company that has annual revenues in the $11 billion range," Sorrell said. "I thought they were crying wolf in the preliminary injunction hearing."
Sorrell said he was encouraged by the judge's decision, because Murtha refused to issue the preliminary injunction.
"He said some things in his decision to reinforce what we have believed since the beginning," he said. "This is a difficult case for both sides."
Entergy maintains that only the federal government can regulate the operation of a nuclear reactor. The state maintains Entergy agreed to abide by a 2006 law that it needed state permission to operate beyond the life of its initial license.
Over the years, Vermont Yankee has had a series of problems that led to concern about its reliability. Among them was the January 2010 discovery of radioactive tritium leaking from the plant. Tritium, which occurs in nature in tiny amounts and is also a product of nuclear fission, has been linked to cancer if ingested, inhaled or absorbed through the skin in large amounts.
Tests on a monitoring well later that month showed 70,500 picocuries per liter, more than three times the federal safety standard, which is 20,000 picocuries per liter.
After that, it was revealed that company officials had made misleading statements to state lawmakers and regulators about underground pipes that carried the tritium.
Three months later, a more potent radioactive isotope, strontium-90, was discovered in soil as crews cleaned up the tritium. Strontium has been linked to leukemia and cancer.
In 2007, a cooling tower collapsed, leaving a gaping hole in a pipe that spewed thousands of gallons of water onto a pile of rubble and forced Vermont Yankee's operators to reduce power temporarily.
A month after the tritium leak was announced, the state Senate voted 26-4 against state relicensing.
Earlier this month, Sorrell's office determined it would not file criminal charges against Entergy officials for the misstatements about the presence of underground pipes carrying tritium.
State officials maintain the issue is one of reliability, but Entergy claims the state's concerns are about safety and federal law says safety issues can only be decided by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which in March granted the plant a 20-year license extension.
But state law requires that any electrical generator get a state certificate of public good from the Public Service Board. The state Senate voted last year to halt that process, effectively denying Vermont Yankee its certificate. The House has never acted.
Vermont Yankee is a 605-megawatt reactor in Vernon, in the state's southeast corner. Entergy said Monday that during a typical 30-day refueling outage, approximately 120 fuel assemblies, or one-third of the reactor core, are replaced.
While the refueling is under way, about 5,000 other maintenance chores are performed that can be done only when the plant is shut down.
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Monday, July 25, 2011
Acid Reflux Remedies Facts You will Wish to Listen to | Articles ...
Several individuals yearn for much more effective acid reflux remedies. They have tried the much more typical varieties, Rolaids, Tums, Maalox and old reliable Pepto-Bismol. These may have helped for a even though, but then they tried Axid, or Zantac. When these also failed to supply adequate relief, they graduated to Prilosec or Prevacid. Some people also acquire prescription-strength drugs from their physician. Often what exactly is genuinely required are way of life modifications.
Acid reflux will be the regurgitation of stomach contents and acids into the esophagus (food tube to the stomach) and often into the mouth. This generally occurs when bending or lying. There?s a circular muscle referred to as the esophageal sphincter, located at the bottom of the esophagus, which functions to permit entry of food into the stomach and prevents the food from reentering the esophagus. Malfunction of this valve enables acid reflux.
Acid Reflux Whilst Sleeping Could be Frightening and even Harmful
Acid reflux into the mouth even though sleeping, could be a very traumatic experience. The individual normally jumps out of bed coughing, strangling and gasping for breath, with a sickening, sour taste inside the mouth. In extreme instances, the reflux could be inhaled into the lungs and result in lung infection or chemical pneumonia, which is really a medical emergency.
The risk of acid reflux whilst sleeping, might be reduced by raising the head of the bed a number of inches. This might be accomplished by placing the leading legs on blocks. An option, is often a wedge developed to be inserted between the box spring and the mattress. It raises the leading half of the mattress. It may possibly be purchased at a medical supply store. This is a lot more esthetically pleasing than having a bed resembling a ski slope.
Occasional Heartburn is Very Widespread
Most people have heartburn at times, but if it occurs far more than twice a week, it truly is considered gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. This calls for more intensive measures, such as consultation with a doctor. Long-term acid reflux can damage the lining of the esophagus, which is diverse from the protective lining of the stomach. Over time, it can result in changes which can trigger cancer; so it?s crucial to control the reflux. Constant reflux causes inflammation of the lining of the esophagus, which long-term, can cause other complications, for example a restriction of the esophagus caused by the formation of scar tissue. This can make swallowing food tough.
Naturalists claim to have obtained relief by utilizing such acid reflux remedies as baking soda, apple cider vinegar, ginger and chamomile tea.
As a last resort, surgical procedures are accessible to aid extreme cases of GERD
Prevention Requires Lifestyle Modifications
The most beneficial remedy for acid reflux is prevention. Amongst the measures you?ll be able to take are losing weight, avoiding tight clothing, not consuming close to bedtime, stopping smoking, eating little meals and avoiding spicy or acidic foods and coffee.
Excess weight within the abdomen and tight clothing, can apply pressure to your stomach, causing reflux. A full stomach at bedtime, can boost the likelihood of reflux. Losing weight can be really advantageous. Really usually, substantial weight reduction will eradicate the require for other acid reflux remedies.
Disclaimer: This article isn?t intended to be medical suggestions and is written for informational purposes only. As constantly, you need to consult a doctor for heartburn or acid reflux difficulties.
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Acomplia rimonabant is a normal complement and a diet regime strategy which will guide you to shoot the target obesity and loose those more pounds. Well being problem caused because of to weight problems is also taken care of by Acomplia rimonabant even though supporting you to get on to your want figure.
Acomplia Performs
Slimming pill Acomplia can help in weight loss and in the same time fight towards cigarette smoking. Normal dosage of Acomplia really should be taken for best outcomes. A healthful diet plan in blend of frequent work out ought to be followed whilst acquiring Acomplia. Acomplia also battle versus alcohol and drug addictions. Cholesterol balance is also taken care of by this diet pills.
Acomplia use
A health practitioner consultation is ought to to procure Acomplia. Acomplia is a prescription medication and to gain maximum benefit, diet drugs must be taken on common basis. Small-calorie diet regime and work out plan should be followed in accordance with Acomplia to reduce bodyweight.
About the Author
The writer has published a whole lot of content on bodyweight reduction and weight problems heal and medicine. Study a great deal a lot more on his watch on appetite supressants like Meridia right here: How To Locate Safe Weight Reduction Pills
Article Source: Free Articles Directory -

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Sunday, July 24, 2011
Asbestos fiber : Asbestosis, Asbestos, Cancer of the lung ...
Asbestos mesothelioma. Asbestos fibers has many interesting features pertaining to builders. It is solid, accommodating as well as deterioration immune. It is usually burn up immune and also a very good insulator. There are not many elements with these features and may describe precisely why it was therefore traditionally used. It might be unsafe any time asbestos fibers made up of resources tend to be disrupted as well as ruined. Asbestos fibers comprises of minute plans of materials. In the event the resources grow to be disrupted as well as ruined, these types of materials distinct and may grow to be air. These kinds of materials could get into the lung area knowning that may lead to serious and also lethal illnesses. A few of these illnesses include:
Asbestosis is a non-cancerous lung condition. Breathing asbestos fibers materials with an expanded time frame causes this. This ailment will take 30 in order to forty years to develop. As asbestos fibers materials grow to be held in your lung area, one?s body will produce a good chemical p to attempt to remove these types of materials. The continued output of the chemical p can sooner or later scar the tissue within your lung area. An excessive amount of scare tissue may cause the lung area to perform improperly. This may lead to serious the like. When asbestosis remains neglected, it can cardiac failure. At this time, there is absolutely no powerful strategy for this disease. Individuals who fix up as well as demolish complexes that have asbestos fibers have the greatest chance of obtaining asbestosis. The prospect of obtaining this disease by way of actual exposure to a person who works together with asbestos fibers tend to be minimal. Individuals who labored within naval shipyards were the initial ones informed they have asbestosis. Asbestos mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma cancer is a uncommon type of cancer malignancy in which affects the pleura (the outer membrane layer in which encloses the lung as well as chest hole) and/ or the peritoneum (the membrane layer coating the partitions of the abdominal hole). In america, you can find just about 3000 fresh instances of the condition every year. Experience of asbestos fibers may be the source in all of the of the instances. The actual publicity in these instances held up between twelve to fifteen in order to 30 years. In contrast to other forms of cancer malignancy, there?s just one recognized source of asbestos. Studies indicate that men and women which are employed in places that have asbestos fibers, such as mines, mills, producers, as well as shipyards, as well as which manufacture as well as install asbestos fibers installing have reached the highest chance of obtaining asbestos. You are additionally at risk if you reside which has a member of staff subjected to asbestos fibers as well as close to any area made up of asbestos fibers. Scientific studies additionally suggest in which young people are more prone to contract asbestos after they breathe asbestos fibers. This is the reason precisely why people are planning to fantastic measures to protect youngsters via exposure to asbestos.
Numerous instances of united states may also be caused by exposure to asbestos. Lung cancer is really the top source of death among all of the ailments due to exposure to asbestos. You?ll be able to aggravate the effects of united states simply by concerning 50 % should you start off smoking cigarettes. Individuals who are employed in jobs exactly where they may be immediately active in the handling of asbestos fibers have reached a better chance of obtaining united states. Experience of equally asbestos fibers and another carcinogen, such as cigarette, puts anyone at greater risk of being infected with united states when compared with contact with asbestos fibers by yourself. There was a report in which established that contact with asbestos fibers as well as light up enables you to 90 times more prone to contract united states than the usual individual that is not subjected to both. Many of the signs of united states include shhh, breathing problems, chest aches as well as anemia. It always will take twelve to fifteen in order to 30 years of contact with asbestos fibers in order to contract united states. Asbestos mesothelioma.
Erina Russell
Tags: Asbestos mesothelioma
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International University of Business Agriculture and Technology ...
*College of Business Administration (CBA): CBA has been accepted as a Member of Graduate Management Admission Council of USA
*College of Agricultural Science (CAS)
*College of Engineering And Technology (CEAT)
*College of Nursing (CN)
*College of Arts and Sciences (CAAS)
*College of Tourism and Hospitality Management
The university also has six centers:
*South Asian Disaster Management Center (SADMC)
*Center for Management Development (CMD)
*Health and Population Center (HPC)
*Center for Technology Training, Research & Consultancy (CTTRC)
*Center for Policy Research (CPR)
*Centre for Global Environment Culture (CGEC)
Adapted from the Wikipedia article International University of Business Agriculture and Technology, under the G. N. U. Free Documentation License. Please also see
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Saturday, July 23, 2011
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Friday, July 22, 2011
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Stites & Harbison / Joe Hamilton Profile | Health Insurance Joe Hamilton is a Member of the firm and has been based in the Louisville office since 1986. He is a member and past chair of the Business Litigation Service Group, which is home to approximately 60 attorneys and paralegals. He is also the co-chair of the firm?s 20 member Class Action Defense Practice Group. His practice emphasis is in class action defense and complex business and business insurance litigation. With regard to his class action defense practice, Mr. Hamilton has been involved in the defense of nearly 100 class actions in the last 12 years. Those class actions have been concentrated primarily in life insurance, health insurance, ERISA and other insurance and financial product issues. He has defended clients in putative statewide and nationwide class actions on a regional and national basis, representing them in the state or federal courts of more than 25 states across the country.
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Thursday, July 21, 2011
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The MC will support good quality medicines through tests, procedures, and acceptance criteria for critical quality attributes. Published by USP and available at, the MC will include standards for medicines legally marketed in various countries. Initially, the MC will include 10 standards proposed for public comment, and another 11 standards proposed for development.
The first group of standards posted today includes those for anti-malarial, anti-retroviral (HIV), and contraceptive medicines, among others. For some of the medicines to be included in the MC, no other public standard may currently exist in any pharmacopeia. MC is designed to address such public health gaps.
MC standards are voluntary, unless they are adopted by a regulatory authority. They are intended to support the text and work of other pharmacopeias, and not to supplant it. MC standards may be especially useful for manufacturers who export to countries with scarce regulatory resources and no national pharmacopeia.
"Public standards help ensure that all manufacturers of a given medicine or ingredient meet the same fundamental requirements, providing a 'common ground' that allows practitioners to have confidence in the medicines they prescribe, and patients in the medicines they take. These standards are critical-especially where regulatory resources are constrained or absent," said Roger L. Williams, M.D., chief executive officer of USP. "The USP Medicines Compendium will be offered freely to all, so that it can be used by anyone-not just manufacturers, but purchasers, regulatory agencies and other pharmacopeias as well, as a means of helping to ensure high-quality medicines. As the only nongovernmental pharmacopeia in the world, USP is in a special position to develop this compendium-a manifestation of the organization's global public health mission."
Based on public comment, USP expects the standards to become authorized and final later in 2011, following approval by an Expert Committee of the USP Council of Experts. The written standards, or monographs, included in the MC utilize a novel scientific approach that differs from any other pharmacopeia. MC standards are Performance Based Monographs (PBMs). PBMs feature Reference Procedures, which are developed by USP?s laboratory and are based on International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) approaches. (For example, ICH impurity limits will typically be followed in the MC.) PBMs allow flexibility by permitting a manufacturer to use the Reference Procedure or other Acceptable Procedures in the monograph. MC standards can include a posting of validation data relied upon to set the standards; this type of disclosure is a special feature of the MC. USP will offer reference materials for monograph tests where needed.
MC standards are created in an open, transparent process similar to that utilized for USP?s other compendia. MC standards will be approved by the Council of Experts-USP?s volunteer, independent, elected body of experts. The initial Expert Committee focusing on the MC is based in the South Asia region, in India, which is a major exporter of medicines to the world. Additional Expert Committees in other regions may be added over time.
Standards proposed for inclusion in the MC are available for public review by any interested party for a 90-day comment period before becoming authorized by the MC Expert Committee. At that time, regulators, purchasers, manufacturers, pharmacopeial bodies or others will be free to utilize these standards. The MC will be updated monthly at
The standards proposed today are: acyclovir, acyclovir topical cream, amlexanox, chloroquine oral solution, chloroquine phosphate, chloroquine sulfate, etoricoxib, nelfinavir mesylate, ormeloxifene hydrochloride, and stibogluconate sodium. Standards proposed for future development are: artesunate, artesunate tablets, clarithromycin, diphenhydramine hydrochloride, efavirenz, eflornithine for injection, eflornithine hydrochloride, eflornithine topical cream, mefloquine hydrochloride, nelfinavir tablets, nelifinavir for oral suspension.
Frequently Asked Questions about the MC are available at
To learn more about the MC, please visit or email
About USP
The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) is a non-governmental, official public standards-setting authority for prescription and over-the-counter medicines and other healthcare products manufactured or sold in the United States. USP also sets widely recognized standards for food ingredients and dietary supplements. USP sets standards for the quality, purity, strength, and consistency of these products-critical to the public health. USP's standards are recognized and used in more than 130 countries around the globe. These standards have helped to ensure public health throughout the world for close to 200 years.
USP is headquartered in the United States but operating globally, with facilities in Hyderabad; Shanghai, China; Sao Paulo, Brazil; and Basel, Switzerland. USP has been creating quality standards for medicines since 1820.
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